When you hear someone say that they are not getting their fair share of something, it resonates with you. How many times have you felt unappreciated by your employer? How many times have you had to watch as other less qualified people got promoted while you were ignored even though, you had clearly superior qualifications? I am all for education and giving people an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful to have had a chance to work with some awesome companies benefitting greatly from those opportunities. I have accomplished great things, met wonderful people and even raised a beautiful family from the jobs I had over the years. There is absolutely wrong with aspiring to achieve more professionally, after all in today’s employment market you need all the advantages that life can throw your way.
The truth of the matter is that even with a secure job that pays well, one has to have a plan B, just in case you lose your job. We all know what happens when you lose your job in this economy, it could take you years to get another job. Having said that, what is your plan B, for a second income
Please do not misconstrue this or get the impression that I am despising anyone, but you know what the terms “Entry Level Job opening” mean. What does it mean? It means that you will you will start at the bottom. It means that you will have to come in early and work late. In other words do what you are told to do and stay on the good side of that supervisor who is looking for the slightest excuse to have you fired, simply because they have some misconceptions about you. After all most companies in most states have an employment at will policy which states that they can terminate you at any time without any reason.
The truth is there is no such thing as your “fair share” In this life. As long as you have a job, you will always have that character that spends half the day taking smoke breaks, while you do all the work. You will get mad and complain about it until you are blue in the face and noting will happen. Life just is not fair. Are you now beginning to see the picture? Life is not fair, and you are not entitled to any favors from any one. In most cases the more you complain, the more you become the problem. That is why it is important for you to know how you fit in your company’s hierarchy and to make a decision of what your future will be in that company. Do you find yourself in a situation where you have to get your job done early, so you can pick up the slack for your boss’s lazy brother in law? Maybe if you are good and you play nice, you might get a weeks vacation at the end of the year and maybe a $.25 raise for your trouble.
Are you getting your fair share in this scenario? Who says you have to be miserable and play by these rules? Anyone interested in an alternative legitimate source of income? Stop playing by these rules, go ahead and skip the “Entry Level” and go straight to the good stuff. I am not saying that you should just up and quit your job without thinking about it. If that is your only source of income, then by all means keep the job so you can put food on the table and take care of your responsibilities.
What I am trying to say is, if you know that you are stuck in a dead end job with no advancement prospects, you owe it to yourself to be proactive and look for another way to supplement your income. With an internet Business you do not have to play by the rules of the vindictive office environment and their politics. Thanks to the power of the internet;
You can start your own legitimate business from the comfort of your home part time.
You can work the hours you choose
You can make more money faster, without working harder if you are willing to invest the time and discipline to master your business.
The truth of the matter is that you do not need a college degree to own your own business. You do not need a loan from the Small Business Administration to start a legitimate home bases business. You do not need any fancy training or special talent to succeed online. All you need a few internet tools and lots of persistence. Anyone can make money online, believe it! To find out how you can start your own legitimate home based business
Graham Odenyo, is a Social Media Strategist and Project Manager at Affordable Mobile Marketing
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